our lady of definitions

8 February 2007


Since the last time I saw you, you've grown with natural catastrophes.

Peculiar as it might be, I wear the thong assigned. To deliberately announce this: becareful when wrapping the eletrical tape (wire) around your neck, you might need assistance. Three in the morning will let us, see better. A connection is only analog; we will get disconnected, lost between mail offices, tossed in the Bardo.

To be terrified is ultimately sexy. To scraggle your voice "Hello" and ring me into motherhood, I, who am lack in lactation. I warn you subtle: do not take on what is intended for me: take my cigarette butt out of your mouth!
Splicing this with that body part will not make you a cyborg, so lay down and ask for water, you're thirsty.

Mason (since we address him, now) is one of your figures. I've never been comfortable with numbers, not fluent in the language. Posibilidad, lo es. "To strange" as to endow a verb, a subject, is to appropiately write "him".

How you look at buildings is unnerving, what matters is that we've lived "there" and so have they. . . but you gaze, so. . .

Irigaray talks. We who sin, lack, aggressively. We are falling apart. Carcasses. So lets dance! The silent people are not caged, they're perfecting supplements. Let me dabble without making a sound… Let me take it all off, slowly, narratively. To encompass you would require innertia, nothing like this exists, as we know it. To follow him, drink him requires:

1. To birth him
2. The irreversible trek toward a love of women
3. Being both blade and sheath

My house is populated by red lighting, individually assuming their positions on me. We are all blood, she says, and eventually bones.
You've read this mythology aloud to me at bedtime. I grow everywhere, unhinged, maniacally. I am carcinogenous, sudsy, your antagonistic memory. I'm entombment, but most of all, the cessation of rain.

We will flood this summer, in an absence of language, like in the past hundred years.

-Bajo, (bajito, mas, shhh).

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